Abuja, Nigeria.

Become A Confident Public Speaker with Ujunwa!

Develop Your Verbal Confidence!

Learn Public Speaking

Does the opportunity of delivering a speech in front of a large audience throw you off balance?  Or do you feel pretty comfortable when talking in public but you are still looking for ways to improve your skills and get even better at motivating, engaging, persuading, presenting, and educating
other individuals? 

Learn Public Speaking!

Struggling With Low Self-Esteem?

Confidence is the greatest asset anyone can have.  Unfortunately, many struggle with low self-worth. Have you been struggling with feelings of inadequacy, low self-confidence, or lack of self-esteem? Is your relationship suffering because of it? Did you get passed over for that promotion because you lack the confidence your boss wanted?

Get Solution!

Become A Woman Of Value  

Legendary Woman Initiative is the fastest growing community of women in Africa. A powerful coalition of resourceful and supportive women who believe there is strength in numbers. We show up for each other, helping every of our members irrespective of their background or aspirations….

Join Legendary Woman!

About Ujunwa

Ujunwa Hillary-Akpua, Poularly called (Legendmum) is a dynamic Public Speaking and Esteem Coach, dedicated to empowering individuals to unlock their full potential.

As the Lead Instructor of Ujunwa’s School of Confidence, Ujunwa has helped numerous students overcome stage fright, build confidence, and develop effective communication skills.

With a passion for transformative learning, Ujunwa has developed a unique approach that combines practical techniques, inspiring storytelling, and supportive guidance. This approach has yielded remarkable results, with students reporting significant improvements in their public speaking abilities and overall self-esteem.

As the author of the groundbreaking book, “Fearless on Stage,” Ujunwa shares proven strategies and insights that have helped readers worldwide overcome their fears and achieve their goals. With a gift for making complex concepts simple and engaging, Ujunwa has established herself as a leading expert in the field of public speaking and confidence development.

Through her Speaking engagements, coaching, teaching, and writing, Ujunwa continues to inspire and empower individuals/groups to find their voice, embrace their uniqueness, and shine with confidence. With Ujunwa as your guide/Speaker, you’ll discover the courage to speak up, stand out, and make a lasting impact.

Book Ujunwa To Speak!

See Our Best Selling Books & Courses!

Fearless On Stage [Hardcopy]

Do you struggle with stage fright or performance anxiety? Stage fright will never make a mess of your presentations ever again after reading this book!

Confidence Masterclass [Course]

This course helps you to develop the mindset, skills, and techniques necessary to  fear and self-doubt and build top-notch self confidence.

Your Self-Confidence is Your Unique Power [ebook]

This is a transformative guide that delves into the profound impact of sel-confidence on personal growth and success.

 Become Unstoppable with Our Self Development Courses!

Those who develop strong Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Skills, Effective Communication skills  and top-notch Self- confidence do well in life and often ascend to the highest levels of leadership in corporations, government offices, civic life,business ventures and personal life. 

Enhance your speaking abilities and  build Top-notch Self- Confidence through our monthly Public Speaking and self-confidence Courses.

Public Speaking CourseSelf-Confidence Course

Gain the Skills Needed to Engage, Inform and Inspire Others.

Whether you are an established career person, budding professional, or a student, a good and striking personality is crucial to influence the people around you. Public speaking and personality are closely related to each other. Learn Public Speaking as quickly as possible!

Public Speaking Can Help you Shape Your Personality.

It is important to understand that personality is not just about fluently speaking in English and donning good clothes; it’s more than that. Personality development implies value addition in personal and professional spheres of life. If you really want to make a difference and stand apart from the rest, go the extra mile and groom your personality.  Let’s discuss a little bit on how publid speaking can help you shape your personality …. public speaking will help you to develop the following …

Good Communication Skills

Public speaking provides you an opportunity to evaluate your speaking habits, pay heed to your vocal quality, and assess your language/accent. All these efforts enhance your ability and proficiency to communicate verbally and make an impact on people.

Super Confidence

Public speaking empowers you to overcome your insecurities and fear, making you comfortable around people. Speaking engagements teach you to channelize your nervousness into enthusiasm and deliver your talk with passion and grace.

Good Presentation Skills

Public speaking involves positive visualization of your ideas and perceptions to win the trust of the audience. So, you learn to customize the predesigned, high-definition presentation templates to align them with your speaking objectives.

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No matter how best content you have prepared and how beautifully you have organized it on your slides, you won’t be able to connect with the audience at the emotional level if you are not authentic.

Register For SpeechCampAfrica 1st Edition Coming up in May, 2024!