Discover The Secrets To Building a PRESTIGIOUS CAREER as an INNOVATIVE SPEAKER.
Dear aspiring public speaker,If you ever wanted to master public speaking, build a successful business around it and impact millions of life positively, then this will be the most important webpage you’ll visit this year….Here’s why….In the next few minutes, I will handover top you the exact step by step secrets of becoming a most sought-after, well respected and highly paid public speaker….Even if you are shy…Just like One Of my students, Engr Ifeanyi Patrick That was very shy to talk to the public before he came into my trainingAfter taking the training, now he can speak boldly and effectively in front of large audience with no iota of shyness.Here what he had to say about this training( PUT HIS VIDEO)Look… it doesn’t even matter whether you have been speaking before or you are afraid to speak in the midst of people.What I’m to reveal to you will be very valuable to you regardless of your stage now. . .You see, I was exactly like you 6 years ago when I first started my public speaking journey . . .(Your best image here)My name is Ujunwa Hillary And whenever I walk up to speak, I would start shivering simply because I was very shy to stand in front of people and talk…I struggled with this for years until I came across an article online. . . The article was talking about as training that teaches people how to become a better and highly paid public speaker that makes a living just speaking. . .The training cost N27,500.I was very determined to register for the training but then I didn’t even have up to that.I only had N10,500 in my account.I remembered that I have a saving box where I save money for my school feesSo I had to break my savings box in order to complete the money and register for my training.
At the point of making the payment, I wasn’t happy because the money in my savings box was meant to be used for my school fees…But because I am an action taker, Because I know what I want and I go Straight for itI had to take the bold step and register for the training.On the second day of the training, I have gotten back massive value for my money…I never regretted taking the training at allMy eyes opened to the mind blowing opportunities that a public speaker has. . . .One of the best module in that training was when she taught how to build a 7 figure public speaking business. . .Oh my goodness, I was blown away. . . After the one week exclusive training… ..I decided to try out some of the strategies I learnt from the training….In just under 60 days after that training, I landed my first speaking engagement with a 6 figure deal…And I spoke at a crowd not less than 1,200
I was super-excited. . . .I never thought it could have been possible I mean, everything was happening so fast . . . That was when I saw the huge potentials that comes with mastering how to speak effectively in public.These days I look back at the time when I had to break my savings box just to attend a training on public speaking and I smile. . . .Truly one decision can change everything fast forward to today, I have spoken in over 23 states in Nigeria including Lagos And Abuja.
Thinking about how aspiring public speakers who wants to truly learn how to effectively speak in the public are struggling and how I actually struggled way back.The fact that I really love helping people accomplish their goal made me to launch an online program where I teach struggling and aspiring public speakers how to effectively speak in the public, build a thriving business around it and impact millions of livesAnd now for the first time ever, You can get access immediately to this step by step pratical program and discover the secrets of 7 figures public speakers.Now it’s your turn to become a highly sought-after and outrageously paid public speaker. . . That’s why I spent months of sleepless nights putting together my exact secret I used to master public speaking skill and how I have used it to build a thriving business into a step by step video program that anyone can use to get result just like me…
THE PUBLIC SPEAKING BLUEPRINTHow To Become A World Class, Highly Respected, Most Sought-After And Outrageously Paid Public Speaker Even If You’re Shy To Talk In Front Of People Right Now.Here’s A “SNEAK PEAK” of what you’ll discover inside the program.Module 1: EVOLUTION OF PUBLIC SPEAKING . . .In this value-loaded module, you’ll discover. . . What a public speaking really is . . . A lot of people are really confused when you say you are a public speaker. . . .They tend to misunderstand that term “public speaking”That’s why I broke down exactly what public speaking is, how you can benefit from it and the huge income potentials it has . . . when done correctly.THREE PART OF PERSUASION:For you to be able to properly build a very profitable public speaking business, you need to know how to psychologically persuade your audience to do exactly what you want. . . it could be to stand up, clap for you, talk to one another.It could be anythingMy point is…If you don’t know how to persuade, you’ll find it very difficult to get them to do exactly what you say.And that’s why inside this module, I covered the 3 parts of persuasion that works all the time so you can persuade your audience effectively . . .I will also show you the modern elements of public speaking you must know to be able to deliver a very awesome speech . . . .That’s not all . . . In this Module, You’ll discover the three Little-Known styles of speech you must adopt if you are going to be very profitable with your public speaking business. . . .(Take this twice because it’s worth it)VALUE N20,000MODULE 2: OVERCOMING FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING.In this module, I will show you the hidden psychology behind the fear of public speaking and how to effectively overcome every single of them so you can easily walk up to any stage and speak confidently (this is truly the biggest secret of this program) . . . I will also reveal to you the two biggest myths about the fear of public speaking and why it is not actually true. . . .You’ll also discover the 5 most important questions you must ask yourself before you go to the stage to say anything. (If you don’t answer this question very well, nothing else matters). . .(Once you study this module, you’ll know how to overcome how fear of public speaking)VALUE N15,000MODULE 3: IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF A SUCCESSFUL SPEECH.EMOTIONAL STORY TELLING SECRET.You’ll discover how to tell an emotional story that not only hook your audience but also makes them relate with you very well. . . . Plus I will also show you how to use TONE OF VOICE PROPERLYThere’s a way you can make your audience to get magnetized to your voice and admire every bit of word you say . . .In this module, I will show you how to properly position your tone in such a way that they don’t get bored throughout your speech. . . . (You’ll be amazed once you discover this secret)THE POWER OF PAUSE.A public speaker that just speak too fast without any break will end up pissing the audience off . . .They’ll not understand what you are saying and they’ll feel bored-listening to you. . . Infact..Some of them will even sleep while giving your speech and you don’t ever want that to happen to you.That’s why in this module, I will show you the power that lies in pause, when to pause, where to pause and most importantly how to pause.All of these will help you deliver an effective speech that will leave your audience praising and clapping for you. . .(If you want to speak with authority and power take this module very seriously).VALUE N25,000MODULE 4: THE THREE P’S OF A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE SPEECH.Before you start any speech, there are obviously things you must do ahead to ensure you give a highly effective speech . . . And if you don’t get it right, It’s obvious your speech will be a fluff.This is something you’ll never wish to happen even to your enemy.That’s why in this module, I will hold you by the hand and walk you through exactly what these 3 P’s are, how to properly get each of them right, so that you are able to give a highly memorable and quality speech . . .(This module is crazily powerful . . . I’m not sure why included thus module here instead of selling it separately for N30,000 that it is worth)…Value N15,000Plus many more . . . .The total value of this program + ALL the FREE Bonuses is N150,000+ .Not bad for a program that’ll show you how to become a world class, most sought after and highly respected public speaker . . .And just 5 speaking engagements(Or less) are enough to make you back your investment. .Plus you keep making more anytime you have speaking gigs . . . .But I won’t charge you N345,350 even though it will be worth every kobo you spend…Here’s why . . .I want to reward you for acting right now. . . FAST ACTION FREE BONUSES . . .When you enroll into the program right now, I’ll also give you the following gifts for FREE.FAST ACTION FREE BONUS #1:
THE PUBLIC SPEAKING MONETIZATION SECRET.I get it, most people only teach about how to learn a skill just like public speaking but No one will ever teach you how to monetize your skillAnd the reason is quite simpleMost of them are not monetizing their skills So how can someone that don’t know how to monetize their skill teach you how to do that?It’s not possible. .But that’s not the case when it comes to my ultimate program . . .You see, over the past 7 years, I have been making decent money from my public speaking.I’ve gone ahead to speak to audience of over 3,000 people, 2,000 and even 1,000 people and these has greatly helped me to build a 7 figure public speaking business. .
And today, I want to hold you by the hand and show you the step by step blueprint I use to monetize my skill . . . Every strategies, every method and every secrets I use will be handled over to you so you can easily and quickly start monetizing your skill and making you good money. . .Value . . . N15,000.
FAST ACTION FREE BONUS #2: THE HYPNOTIC INTRODUCTION SECRET.One of the things that makes your speech great and actually makes your audience to stay glued and listen to you depends on how well your introduction is . . . Without good introduction, your audience will not pick much interest in your speech and might even feel bored while you are speaking.That’s why inside my program, I will show you my best methods tips and strategies on how to start a speech effectively in a way that makes your audience want to listen to you…. Value – N10,000 . . .That’s not all . . . You also get.
After you’ve got their attention in your introduction. how do you actually get them to stay glued and listen to you till the very end?It’s very important that you not only get their attention but also keep it. That’s why inside this section, I will show you the best way to retain their attention to listen to you till the very end . . .Value N5,000.
Hold on . . . . That’s not all . . . I will also add . . .You also get.
FAST ACTION FREE BONUS#4: YOUR FIRST SPEAKING GIGLanding your first speaking gig is always the hardest, but you don’t have to worry again because in this section, I will hold you by the hand and reveal to you my step by step methods I used to get my first speaking gigs. . . So that you can simply copy my strategy, deploy and start seeing result right away. . .Value N10,000Just imagine this right now . . .I’m standing in front of you.Holding my public speaking blueprint. . Plus all the massive FREE bonuses worth N150,000+ in total.Plus a guaranteeThat if you put to use everything I will show youYou’ll be able to master how to speak effectively and build a profitable business around it and make you decent money for yourself. . . And you are holding N30,000 in your hands Now tell me . . .Which would you prefer to have?The N30,000 in your hands or my PUBLIC SPEAKING BLUEPRINT?Great . . . .I know you are a wise entrepreneur who knows a massive “too good to be true” investment when you see one . . .Now I want to make this happen for you. . . .The sweet part isI won’t take the N30,000 in your hands right nowEven if you want me to . . . .Because you know it’s an amazing investment and you’ll likely make 300-400% more in the next 65 days.So how much would I take to give you this program?Not N30,000Not even N20,000To enroll into this public speaking program you’ll be paying only N14,997. . . ONLY N14,997.
What? Ujunwa, are you crazy?It’s so cheap other public speaking program cost N50,000+ for a complete public speaking program. . . .Of course I knowHere’s why I’m doing this. . .Firstly, I’m doing this so you will have the opportunity to fulfil your dream of being a public speaker and build a profitable business around itSecondly, BECAUSE this offer is available for ONLY the first 5 persons to grab this offer right nowif you think N14,997 is too much to invest in a system that ’ll guarantee you will become a master when it comes to public speaking. then close this page at this point. . .But if you think this is a massive bargain, then wait till you see what more I have in store for you.Here’s it.MORE DIE HARD’ EXCLUSIVE FREE BONUSES JUST FOR YOU.When you Enroll into the program today, you’ll IMMEDIATELLY have access to these for FREE (first 5 persons).You’ll also get
FAST ACTION FREE BONUS #5: POWERFUL CLOSING SCRIPTOne of the things that makes a speech leave an everlasting memory in the minds of the audience is how you close your speech . . .It’s extremely important and that’s why I’m giving you my exact powerful closing scripts I used over the years to end a mind blowing speechless. . . . I’m doing all of this because I honestly don’t want you to get stuck anywhere.Value N5,000Hold..on that’s not all, I will also add this…
FAST ACTION FREE BONUS #614 DAYS INTENSIVE SPEAKING PRACTICALS In our office. . .One thing you should know about public speaking is that you become a master in public speaking by practicing. . .Learning is extremely important but it’s not enough. .You still need to practice ruthlessly.And that’s why I’m giving you a 14 days intensive speaking practical with other online or in our office. . . The value is N30,000. . . .Wait . . . there is still more. . .If you think that I have already given out massive bonuses, wait till you see what I have in stock for you.EXCLUSIVE BONUS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY.FAST ACTION FREE BONUS #6A FULLY ATTENDED SUPPORT GROUP?Have any questions?Run into any block while taking program or while practicing what you learned?It’s absolutely normal you will have question.And usually when people ask honest questions where they get stuck, course creators arrogantly shut the question down, making it look like you are dumb or not putting in enough efforts.I’m completing eliminating that dirty behavior in the market place by throwing in a fully attended support group where you can drop all your questions no matter what it is any day, anytime, I will personally reply to them the moment I see it.VALUE: PRICELESS
Reason why you should enroll in this program today.You see, one of the main reason I’m doing this is to give you a chance to experience how it feels to impact millions of lives while building a profitable public speaking business.Nothing more. .Again…I’ll be very wicked to keep this kind of information from you.That’s why I decided to spend days of struggle effort, sleepless nights.Just to hand over to you my exact step by step public speaking blueprint.But still you’ve got three choices to make right now.CHOICE #1.(WORST CHOICE)DO NOTHING AND STAY STUCK.You see, we all are product of our choices, you could do nothing about this and just keep going on with your day.Close this page and pretend you never saw this opportunity.You won’t dieHonestly you won’t.But you might miss an opportunity you’d not get anytime soon.Plus when you change your mind, this program would be increased to N30,000 and all the bonuses removed.Those FREE bonuses are only valid for a limited set of persons.CHOICE #2. (NOT SO GOOD CHOICE)YOU COULD FORGET ABOUT ME AND START LOOKING FOR ANOTHER SOLUTION.I’m not the only 7 figure PUBLIC SPEAKER that have track recordsBut There are only a handful of us who are knowledgeable about public speaking and can effectively teach it to othersAgain…. no one has a proven program as detailed and straight-forward as this.In fact this is not a course.This is a DONE-WITH-YOU system where I give you what has worked for me over and over and all you have to do is to apply it step by step and boom, the result will blow your mind.You might have opted in for a course on public speaking like this and you probably were left on your own to do everything and even where you have question, no one answers you.It can be really frustratingThat’s exactly why you have a third option.(put video testimony )CHOICE #3:(BEST CHOICE)ENROLL INTO MY PUBLIC SPEAKIONG BLUEPRINT PROGRAM AND BECOME A WORLD CLASS PUBLIC SPEAKEROnce you enroll into this program, I’ll give you a 60 days guarantee.Here you’ll try my system and see for yourself that it works.Plus I will hold your hand and show you step by step process on how it is done.…Plus I have a support group where I answer your questions.That’s not all . . .You will get everything I listed from the beginning of this sales letter.Everything.Every FREE bonuses.I know you want thisWhat could be more rewarding?A proven system that shows you how to become a highly sought after, well respected and outrageously paid public speaker(put a video testimony here )Check Out Our “Unrepentant” 60 Days Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee.See I won’t be happy if you are not satisfied with this programNo one wants to waste money.I know you are making this INVESTMENT with your hard earned moneyAnd I respect that…That is why I’m giving you a 60 days satisfaction or money back guarantee.Now here is the guarantee.When you enroll into this program, you’ll learn everything you need to know on public speaking, how to monetize the skill and build a profitable business around it.Now if during this period, you follow my directions, do everything I ask you to do.And still realize my program isn’t good for you because you aren’t getting the result you desire. . .You are free to ask for your 100% amount you invested in the program.I mean every damn penny.And I’ll refund you immediately without asking much questionAs long as I see you tried all I asked you to do and you aren’t getting good results like you expect.That means I’ve failed.I will totally return your money.That’s not all, I will also allow you to keep all the course materials + all the free bonuses for wasting your time and making you believe in something that didn’t work for you.How about That?You could screenshot this guarantee to know how serious I am about this system.And to show you that I’m 100% sure this system would work for you if you follow everything I say.See what other enrolled students are saying. . .(Add screenshot testimony )(Add screenshot testimony )
Let’s review everything you’ll get from this program . . .Module 1: Evolution of public speaking . . . N20,000Module 2: Overcoming fear of public speaking N15,000Module 3: Important component of a successful Speech N25,000Module 4: The 3 P’s of A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL SPEECH N15,000.FREE BONUSES FOR TODAY ONLYBonus #1: The PUBLIC SPEAKING MONETIZATION SECRET. 15,000Bonus #2: HYPNOTIC INTRODUCING SECRET N10,000Bonus #3: THE ATTENTION RETAINER HACK N5000Bonus #4: YOUR FIRST SPEAKING GIG N10,000Bonus #5: POWERFUL CLOSING SCRIPT N5,000Bonus #6: 14 DAYS INTENSIVE SPEAKING PRACTICAL. N30,000. . .Bonus 7#: A FULLY ATTENDED SUPPORT GROUP PRICELESS. . .TOTAL VALUE N150,000+MARKET VALUE N30,000